Paw Patrol Find 5 Diff

We offer you to play in a completely new game with characters from the beloved cartoon "PAW Patrol". This is a classic game where your task is to find differences between two seemingly identical pictures, scenes from the cartoon. In the first stage of the game, you will see all characters of the cartoon and rescue base, try to find five differences two minutes to go to the next level. Remember, you have only two for error, and the third mistake will lead to defeat, so be careful and do not click the mouse just like that. The second stage of the game will open a picture, which depicts a Rider and Chase. The problem is the same, find the five differences in two minutes to go to the third final stage of the game. If you get to the final level, you will meet with a puppy Marshall, who saves duckling fire. Look for the differences and you will become the winner in this online game! Good luck!
«Paw Patrol Find 5 Diff» play online for free. Share online game with their friends on social networks or simply add it to itself in bookmarks.

The game «Paw Patrol Find 5 Diff» from the category «PAW Patrol» is made using HTML5 technology, therefore it is suitable for any browser on a personal computer. You can also play it on your tablet and smartphone (iPhone, iPad, Samsung, Huawei, Xiomi, Sony, running iOS, Android). Game control on any mobile device is carried out with your fingers.

This online game is suitable for children of all ages, for boys and girls, as well as their parents.

How to play «Paw Patrol Find 5 Diff»

Use the mouse to find the differences between the two pictures.
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